Abandoned theme parks
1. I would go to Gullivers Kingdom, Japan because it looks like a nightmare and a dream at the same time. I also thought it was interesting because it was built right next to "suicide forest" and that was one of the reasons they shut down. I also learned they built it right next to a cult that causes a country wide catasrophy.
3. Tall buildings, Forests, Abandoned buildings, Cranes and Lakes
5. Abandoned buildings would be interesting to take pictures of because usually they are destroyed which means yourt taking pictures of something out of the ordinary and something that looks different. The kind of photos i would take their would be light shining in on the building because t looks cool when there is a beam of light in a dark place.
6. To take a picture at my location I would only need a Abandoned building and a camera. The thing about Abandoned buildings is no one really owns the property or takes care of it so you can be destructive for the purpose of photography as long as you don't effect people arounf you.
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