
Showing posts from October, 2017

funny caption assignment

Yung redda is smoking a backwoods and sniffing some strangers croches. She just got a delivery from Barbara of Cigs and Apple Juice.  Yung ma is lighting up some cancer sticks at her 10th birthday. She is about to eat some cigs after that.  Dat boy tim boutta bull up to the grocerie store with the foreign You heard? Boutta cop some scooby snacks and eggo waffles dont diss dat boi 

Black and white photographers 3

Ansel Adams 1.The things that caught my eyes were how most of his photos were black and white and seemed to be themed with a depression type mood.  2. I see a mountain with the moon light shining over it and a lake with a simplicity in it. I see a tree in a dry and hot desert being pushed over by wind. I smell the salt water and fish reeking from the lake. I smell the cold air that freezes my teeth. I hear the fish jump in and out of the water like a beat of the drum. I hear the tree hit the ground with a harsh smash due to the wind. I taste the cooked fish in my mouth. I taste the curiousity of what cactus juice taste like. I feel the blood run down my feet because i slipt on a rock. I feel the slippery sand and soft ripples of the ater. I feel the breeze of the empty and shallow desert.  3. I like tge blog concept its better to use and i have a good understanding  of hoy to show my photos and ideas.

Mural prject review

Theme downtown 1.Buildings 2.Lake austin 3.Resturaunts Things to thimk about when taking photo 1.Brightness 2.Frame 3.Aperature How i will publish these photos online 1.Instagram 2.Facebook 3.Blogger

Open prompt assignement


Camera SIM Practice

1/15 sec F4.5   foreground and backround are blurry, 50mm, iso 100 1/30 sec F4.5     foreground little blurry bakround is less blurry, iso 100, 50mm 1/60 sec F4.5     picture is not blurry, iso 200, 40mm 1/125 sec F4.5 foreground and backround are grainy and bright, iso 400, 40mm 1/250 sec F4.5 foreground and backround are grainy but less than last picture, iso 800, 40mm 1/500 sec F4.5 The backround is less aparent than the foreground, iso 1600, wheel is still, 40mm 1/1000 sec  F4.5 Backround and foreground are both dark and less aparent than before, still, iso 3200, 40mm 1/15 sec F5.6 The picture is overexposed to light and hard to see, blurry, iso 100, 40mm 1/30 sec F5.6 Picture is overexposed to light and hard to see, blurry, iso 100, 40mm 1/60 sec F5.6 Picture is a little overexposed , iso 200, 40mm 1/125 sec F5.6 Picture is barely overexposed but easy to see, iso 400, 40mm 1/250 sec F5.6 iso 1600, 40mm, Picture is perfect 1/500 sec F5.6 Ba...